“365 Boxes:” Day 19

by | Jan 20, 2023 | "365 Boxes"

A reader of this series so far — and I’m gratified by the number of comments that “365 Boxes” has generated — says he doubts that the garage actually contains 365 boxes. And he’s probably right, but at some point I’ll have to confront the fact that much of the clutter in the garage is not in boxes. Some of it is freestanding. Some of it is in bins. Some of it is in suitcases. Much of it is in plastic sacks. A lot of it, as I have noted before, is simply empty boxes — which eventually will lead to a discussion about what to do with the boxes.

But if I can finish the job before Dec. 31, I’d be happy with that. I would throw a little party, invite people over to check out the reclaimed garage, sit on the comfy (but a little worn) sofa that I hope to dig out of the mess at some point, share a drink or two … and then climb up the ladder and peer into the attic, where the sequel project will be apparent.

But that’s getting ahead of ourselves. Today, I dug out a box in what could be a key location at the southwest corner of the mess. It turned out to be almost empty, except for …

Box 19: Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2023

CONTENTS: Readers who are good with their hands and have an eye for arts-and-crafts stuff will recognize two wreath frames. As I understand it, people with artistic skills are able to stuff flowers or greenery into these shapes to make lovely wreaths. And actually, the craftsmanship of these frames — made by skillfully assembling wooden branches — is remarkable. But you’ve probably guessed by now that neither Diane nor I remember where or why we got these, although she thinks the smaller one is a hand-me-down from her mother. Which raises this question: If we acquire stuff in part to make memories, why can’t we remember them? This box also contains, for reasons we can’t explain, the lining of a grand old Stetson hat that Diane’s stepfather used to wear. The hat remains, for now, in the garage.

DISPOSITION: We’re going to keep the larger wreath frame tucked away with the Christmas bins just in case we get the urge to create our own wreath. (Yes, I know where the Christmas bins are, but only because I put them away recently.) We’ll give away the smaller one. I will reunite the lining with the hat, for the time being. The box itself will be broken down and recycled.


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