“365 Boxes:” Day 16

by | Jan 16, 2023 | "365 Boxes" | 2 comments

Today, in a startling change of pace, I pulled out a box that wasn’t full of junk. Check it out:

Box 16: Monday, Jan. 16, 2023

CONTENTS: This box contains what appear to be older tea cups and saucers. Shamefully, I have no memory of how we acquired these, but Diane tells me that some were given to her by her mother — and some were given to me by my mother. Both of our mothers now are dead, and there’s a voice in my head saying I should have paid more attention.

DISPOSITION: We’ll hang onto these, but we’ll do a better job with storage — one of the saucers has lost a piece and one of the cups is chipped. Ideally, once the dust has settled from “365 Boxes,” we’ll find space to properly display these. I don’t know anything about tea cups and saucers, but these are cool — especially the clear ones, although that green hue makes me think they must be radioactive. And if you look carefully at the saucer at the 12 o’clock position in the photo, you might be able to make out that it has identical perforations around its edge. See, if you had been more alert during that time when the garage door was left open, these could have been yours. But don’t get any ideas.

If you’re coming late to the whole “365 Boxes” project, here’s the blog post that got it all rolling.


  1. You’re ready for afternoon tea, a very civilized tradition we should find time for…

  2. So far the contents of your boxes are remarkably similar to many I have, or had, in my own garage! But I now have fewer… or did until my partner moved in. Empty space abhors a vacuum. It’s as hard to keep a garage tidy as it is to keep extra weight off.

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