“365 Boxes:” Day 17

by | Jan 18, 2023 | "365 Boxes" | 6 comments

Today, more books. But these books mostly raise the question: Why did we buy these in the first place?

Box 17: Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2023

CONTENTS: More books, but I can’t for the life of me remember why we bought most of these. There are a couple of textbooks, including a photography book that didn’t include the information I really needed in my college photo class — how to wrap an exposed roll of film around those reels you used to develop the film in the darkroom while you were, you know, in the dark. (I know this makes no sense to anyone under a certain age.) The box also has “Garfield: His 9 Lives,” the only “Garfield” book that could be considered even slightly edgy. (By the way, have you seen the “Garfield Minus Garfield” strip? Now that’s edgy.) Some National Lampoon collections. A collection of essays about the Dalai Lama. Trivial Pursuit books, for God’s sake. It’s been years since anybody wanted to play Trivial Pursuit against me, and now I’ve forgotten all that trivia.

DISPOSITION: I’m going to keep a handful of these, but the rest are being recycled, given away or placed in the Little Free Library (that’s where you’ll find “Garfield: HIs 9 Lives”). I’m keeping a book about the making of the movie “The Great Muppet Caper,” because I still love the Muppets. I’m keeping what appears to be the first collection of Dan Piraro’s brilliant “Bizarro” comic panel. (Did you know Piraro hides objects like a slice of pie, an eyeball or a stick of dynamite in each panel? The number over his signature tells readers how many objects are hidden in that day’s cartoon.) I’m keeping a copy of “Work is Hell,” a collection of 1980s cartoons by Matt “The Simpsons” Groening, because they’re still terrific. And I’m keeping that Dalai Lama book, because it seems wrong to toss a book about the Dalai Lama. Let me know if you want it, though.


  1. Hi – the picture that goes w/the article doesn’t appear in the email I receive, just fyi… It’s possibly a problem on my side, but you might test it in case i’m not the only one..

    • Jack, I’ll take a look — my internet was acting up last night, so anything’s possible.

  2. Hi Mike. Gee, you are tenacious. Is the book ABOUT the Dali Lama or BY him? just curious since we read a book “BY” him and Desmond Tutu for the First Congo Imperfectionists book group.

    Best wishes for the rest of your boxes. (I love the Muppets, too.) Thanks for brightening this rainy day.

    • The book is a coffee-table sized thin volume that features essays by people like Spalding Gray and Pico Iyer, quotes from notables like Tom Brokaw and Martin Scorsese and a number of nice photographs. I would be happy to share this volume, but, again, it does seem like bad karma just to toss it.

      • Thanks for the clear and concise description, but I’ll pass. I searched a couple of my own book boxes and have too many unread books already. Also, I don’t have a coffee table (wink). Best wishes (including no paper cuts) to you.

  3. Discovered Mt Piraro about a year and a half ago, my kind of humor. I don’t think there are 365 boxes out there.

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