Well, this is embarrassing.

Box 30: Monday, Jan. 30, 2023
CONTENTS: This box contains what appears to be swag from my old newspaper, the Corvallis Gazette-Times, including G-T pencils, pens bearing the old Mid-Valley Newspapers logo, a variety of awards from the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association and a ribbon that the G-T won in the Corvallis Christmas Lights Parade — back in the days when Corvallis had a Christmas lights parade. And back in the days when newspapers had swag to distribute. I must have packed this box when the G-T office in Corvallis was closing and we were consolidating the newsrooms in Albany. The box went into the back of the surprisingly roomy Prius — and there it stayed, until it got placed in the garage. None of that makes this any less embarrassing.
DISPOSITION: I can’t throw any of this away. I need a plan. I could drive to Albany and just leave the box by the door of the Democrat-Herald; no, that’s too sad. Or … I could meet the current editor of the G-T for lunch — or some other equally flimsy pretense — and then just hand over the goods? Yeah, that could work. Nobody tell her.
Mike, I suggest you give the box contents to someone who may have interest in them. Possibly a museum?
Be well.
donate the pencils to a school? otherwise they’ll get tossed in trash?