Oh, good: More books. But wait — some of these books are about journalism. That makes all the difference.

Box 40: Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023
CONTENTS: Books, pretty much all stored in my upstairs office in the old house … and then stored in the garage in the new house. Most of the books are about journalism, but that doesn’t mean I’ll keep them all. I’ll keep the Katherine Graham book and the Jay Rosen book, “What Are Journalists For?” You can’t see it in the photograph, but the box also contains a publication about credibility and journalism, which will be useful in a freelance gig I’ve taken on. Also not visible is yet another copy of the Bible. How many of those do we need? (And, yes, I know I’m wide open to you leaving a comment along the lines of “Obviously, more.” Go ahead.) This box also has our first copy of Jane Brody’s “Good Food Book,” which features at least a couple of recipes that we still cook regularly. As for “When MBAs Rule the Newsroom,” I’ll donate that, because now we’ve all seen how it ends.
DISPOSITION: I’m not throwing out the Bible. I’m buying big into Pascal’s wager.
I seem to collect dictionaries. How many do I need?
As many as you need, right? And they are beautiful. But perhaps this is not helpful advice coming from a person who’s trying to clean out his garage.